Canadian Association of Magicians

Ten Questions with Gwyn Auger

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

If you’ve been to a magic convention, you have likely seen the one and only Gwyn Auger - the most enthusiastic of all assistants and the Queen of Misdirection.

She’s 5 foot 2, eyes of blue, red hair too. Okay, she’s actually 5'1" but that doesn't rhyme.

From her Facebook Page: “I go in the box, get cut in half, and come out smiling. I am the most enthusiastic assistant around, and love to book gigs.

Visit Gwyn on Facebook:

Ten Questions with Gwyn Auger

By Peter Mennie

1. Why did you start in magic?

I always found magic fascinating, have an affinity for glitter and loved the stage for as long as I can remember.... so when the local magic shop owner said I would be a "perfect fit" as an assistant, I JUMPED at the chance, and right into the boxes... and I've never looked back.

2. Your personal/show business mantra?

Don't half-ass anything, be kind, and don't forget to smile.

3. Best thing in magic right now?

The pandemic is forcing creators to think outside the box and create: new ways of doing things, new approaches and new ways to connect with audiences and entertain

4. Who is an unsung hero in magic?

Those that put time, effort and energy into training younger junior magicians.

5. If you could wave a wand and change one thing in magic, what would that be?

The "women in magic" stigma, not all women in magic are assistants. Those that are magicians do not need to be called a "female magician" and not all female assistants are "sexy props". At the end of the day, we are all people, and we all deserve kindness and respect, no matter what.

6. If you couldn't do your part in magic, what would you do?

I'd find a way to still do my part in magic, or I'd change my part in magic, and still be involved in magic somehow in some way..... oh and I'd travel, and maybe act and be in a musical or two.

7. TV talent competitions, Yes or No?

Yes, if it’s positive, and non-exposing.

8. When you have downtime: camping, cruising or crashing?

I think at this point I'm sick of downtime, so Cruising as soon as I get the chance!!!

9. Which magician impressed you the most offstage? Why?

Such a tricky question. Each magician I've had a chance to meet has impressed me offstage in one way or another. Mostly I find it amazing to get to know the real person and not just a stage persona. It's more enjoyable for me to actually be able To be a friend AND a fan.

10. One thing that makes Canadian magicians unique?

Canadians are uniquely polite..... it's as though there is a sense of acceptance, unity and family within us as a group, if you go to Magic Live for instance, every year there is a CANADIAN photo where if you are Canadian that's the only invite you need, and it's hilarious and amazing and you watch everyone meet each other accept each other and make friendships right there from a single photo op. It's pretty special.

11. BONUS: Tim Hortons or Starbucks?

Starbucks always

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