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What everyone needs to know about FISM 2022 and North American FISM 2021 Championships

UPDATE: See a full FISM Quebec 2022 report here (exclusive photos)

It was a historic day in Busan, South Korea when FISM International President, Domenico Dante announced the 28th FISM World Championship of Magic was coming to Quebec City, Canada!!

It's the first time appearing on this side of the Atlantic since its founding in 1948.

A proud day for Canadian magicians!

Before the FISM World Championship of Magic arrives in 2022 is the North American Qualifying FISM Championships, newly reschedule for this fall 2021 (see new dates below).

Both in Quebec City and both impacted by the pandemic.

This video provides important updates for both FISM NA 2021 and FISM 2022 from the FISM North American President and Canadian Association of Magicians President, Renée-Claude Auclair.

WATCH: Important Updates for 2021 North America FISM Championships & 2022 FISM World Championship of Magic!

To learn more about the FISM World Championship of Magic, its history, regions, competitions and magic societies, read here.

Here are the rescheduled FISM NA 2021 & FISM 2022 dates in Quebec City, Canada

The FISM World Championship of Magic's new rescheduled date is July 25 -July 30, 2022, and the North American FISM Qualifying Championships from September 30 to October 2021.

Important Links

Here are the links for the official FISM NA 2021 & FISM 2022 Magic Championships

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